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Accessibility Statement

Administration of all programs and events take place in spaces that are physically accessible per ADA regulations. Additional accommodations are identified and implemented as needed.


All paid positions and internship opportunities are open to all qualified people, regardless of gender, race, religion, disability, or other difference. Interviews are held online and/or in physically accessible spaces, and take into account accommodations for potential employees, interns, and Advisors with disabilities (e.g., sign language interpreter, use of alternative means of communication, use of assistive technology, etc.). Reasonable accommodations are afforded in all paid and unpaid positions.


Print and online materials are accessible for people with visual impairments, reading disabilities, and other experiences that benefit from such accommodations. Universal Design standards are considered so that all materials are made as accessible as possible (e.g., text size, screen reading capability, accessible language, etc.). When promoting and producing events, marketing efforts follow Universal Design standards. Should accommodations be requested for individuals attending public events, our team works with each person to provide such supports.


When partnering with other organizations our team considers each group’s accessibility standards and practices, taking into account standards and practices in order to collaborate with organizations that value accessibility.

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